Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
And you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
for you to hold

You can find love
if you search within yourself
And the empitiness you felt
will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Oh ho, Lord knows
dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
tear them away, hey yea

Hold on
there will be tomorrow
In time, you'll find the way, hey

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you
Mmm, That a hero lies in you

Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender Lyric

Love me tender,
love me sweet,
never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
and I love you so.

Love me tender,
love me true,
all my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin' I love you,
and I always will.

Love me tender,
love me long,
take me to your heart.
For it's there that I belong,
and we'll never part.

Love me tender,
love me dear,
tell me you are mine.
I'll be yours through all the years,
till the end of time.

(When at last my dreams come true
Darling this I know
Happiness will follow you
Everywhere you go).

Shang Xin Tai Ping Yang

Artist: Richie Ren

Li kai zhen de can ku ma, huo zhe
Wen rou cai shi ke chi de, huo zhe
Gu du de ren wu suo wei
Wu ri wu yie wu tiao jian

Qian mian zhen de wei xian ma, huo zhe
Bei pan cai shi ti tie de, huo zhe
Tao bi bi jiao rong yi ba
Feng yian feng yu feng chui sha

Wang qian yi bu shi huang hun
Tui hou yi bu shi ren sheng
Feng bu ping, lang bu jing, xin hai bu an wen
Yi ge dao suo zhu yi ge ren

Wuo deng de chuan hai bu lai
Wuo deng de ren hai bu ming bai
Ji muo muo muo chen muo, chen ru hai
Wei lai bu zai wuo hai zai

Ru guo chao qu xin yie qu
Ru guo chao lai, ni hai bu lai
Fu fu chen chen, wang shi fu shang lai
Hui yi hui lai, ni yi bu zai

Yi buo hai wei ping xi
Yi buo you lai qing xi
Mang mang ren hai
Kuang feng bao yu

Yi buo hai lai bu ji
Yi buo zao jiu guo qu
Yi sheng yi shi
Ru meng chu xing

Shen shen tai ping yang di
Shen shen shang xin

Ai Wo, Ai Wo

Artist: Richie Ren

"Hey Come On
I Got Something To Tell You
Something Deep In My Heart
If You Love Me
Please Stay, Don't Go Away"

Qing Meng Shang Wo De Yan Qing
Zhi Yin Wo Lu Zou
Rang Wo Wan Ge Xiang Xin Ni De You Xi

Hmm.. Bie Guai Wo
Ru Guo Ni Yin Xiang Xin Er
Bian Ti Lin Shang
Na He Ai Wu Guan
Shi Meng Yi San Chang
Shei Dou Gei Bu Qi
Yong Heng De Mi Huan

Ai Wo, Jiu Zai Ze Yi Gai
Bu Ting Di Ai Wo
Ai Wo, Ai Wo
Bu Yao Shen Me Cheng Nuo
Jiu Rang Kuai Le Zhao Huo
Ai Wo, Zi Yao Ji Zhu Ai Wo

Qing Duan Le Ni De Xian Suo
Ru Guo Ni Yao Zou
Rang Wo Zai Ai Bie Ren Shi Bu Lei Liu

Yong Bao Ni Que Bu Gan Xiang He Ni De
Suo You Yi Hou
Shi Jian De Tuo Luo
Ji Mo De Shang Kou
Xing Fu Zong Ting Zai Han Tong Na Shi Hou

Ai Wo, Jiu Zai Ze Yi Gai
Bu Ting Di Ai Wo
Ai Wo, Ai Wo
Bu Yao Shen Me Cheng Nuo
Jiu Rang Kuai Le Zhao Huo
Ai Wo, Zi Yao Ji Zhu Ai Wo

Bie Shuo Yong Yuan Ai Wo
Ai Wo, Jiu Liu Xia Lai Pei Wo
Bie Yong Cheng Nuo
Ai Wo, Ai Wo
Bie Guan Ta Neng Duo Jiu

Bie Guan Ta Neng Duo Jiu

Because You Loved Me

Artist: Celine Dion

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You’ve been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

I’m everything I am
Because you loved me


Parasetamol adalah drivat p-aminofenol yang mempunyai sifat antipiretik / analgesik. Sifat antipiretiknya disebabkan oleh gugus aminobenzen dan mekanismenya diduga berdasarkan efek sentral. Sifat analgesik Parasetamol dapat menghilangkan rasa nyeri ringan sampai sedang. Sifat antiinflamasinya sangat rendah sehingga tidak digunakan sebagai antirematik. Pada penggunaan per oral Parasetamol diserap dengan cepat melalui saluran cerna. Kadar maksimum dalam plasma dicapai dalam waktu 30 menit sampai 60 menit setelah pemberian. Parasetamol diekskresikan melalui ginjal, kurang dari 5% tanpa mengalami perubahan dan sebagian besar dalam bentuk terkonjugasi.
Interaksi Obat
Parasetamol diduga dapat menaikan aktivitas koagulan dari kumarin.
Asam mepenamat merupakan kelompok antiinflamasi non steroid bekerja dengan cara menghambat sintesa prostaglandin dalam jaringan tubuh dengan menghambat enzim siklooksiginase sehingga mempunyai efek analgesik, antiinflamasi dan antipiretik.
Interaksi Obat
Penggunaan bersama dengan antikoagulan oral dapat memperpanjang ” Prothombin”
Kombinasi Aluminium Hidroksida dan Magmesium Hidroksida merupakan antasida yang bekerja menetralkan asam lambung dan meninaktifkan pepsin sehingga rasa nyeri ulu hati akibat iritasi oleh asam lambung dan pepsin berkurang. Disamping itu, efek laksatif dari magnesium Hidroksida akan mengurangi efek konstipasi dari aluminium hidroksida.
Interaksi Obat
Dapat mengganggu absoropsi obat – obat tertentu seperti : Ketokenazole,metenamin,dan tetrasiclyn sehingga mengurangi aktifitasnya.oleh karena itu pemakaian harus berselang waktu minimal 1 – 2 jam.
Amoksisilin merupakan turunan dari penisilin semi sintetik dan stabil dalam suasana asam lambung. Amoksisilin diabsoropsi dengan cepat dan baik pada saluran pencernaan,tidak tergantung adanya makanan. Amoksisilin terutama diekskresikan dalam bentuk tidak berubah di dalam urin. Ekskresi Amoksisilin dihambat saat pemberian bersamaan dengan probenesid sehingga memperpanjang efek terapi. Amoksisilin aktif terhadap organisme Gram-positif dan Gram-negatif.
Interaksi Obat
Probenesid dapat meningkatkan dan memperpanjang level darah dari amoksisilin. Penggunaan bersamaan dengan allupurinol dapat menyebabkan peningkatan terjadinya reaksi kulit.
Sulfamethoxazole termasuk golongan sulfonamida,bekerja secara kompetitif dengan PABA, dimana PABA dibutuhkan oleh bakteri dalam hidupnya. Dengan adanya Sulfonamida,pertumbuhan bakteri dihambat,karena masuknya PABA ke dalam molekul,sehingga pembentukan asam dihidrofolat terhambat.
Interaksi Obat
Bila digunakan bersama – sama dengan anti koagulan oral meningkatkan efek anti koagulan oral akibatnya dapat terjadi shock hipoglukemik. Memperpanjang waktu paruh dari penitoin. Sulfmethoxazole dapat menggantikan kedudukan ikatan protein plasma oleh beberapa obat yang bersifat asam termasuk fenilbutajon,dikumarol dan asam salisilat.Kombinasi dengan INH dapat menyebabkan hemolitik anemia akut. Vitamin C merupakan ekskresi dari Sulfonamida,sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya kristaluria diperbesar. Dapat menyebabkan trombositepenia jika digunakan bersama sama dengan diuretika tiazid.
Dexsametason merupakan glukokortikoid sintetik dengan efek antiinflamasi dan anti alergi. Dexametason mencegah atau menekan timbulnya tanda – tanda peradangan yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme,zat kimia atau atau iritasi termik,trauma atau alergan. Pada inflamasi permeabilitas kapiler bertambah,menyebabkan cairan edema dan protein ke daerah inflamasi.Dexsametason dapat mencegah gangguan permeabilitas tersebut sehingga pembengkakan dapat ditiadakan atau dapat berkurang dan juga dapat terjadi penghambatan eksudasi sel leukosit dan sel mast. Dexsametason dapat mempertahankan keutuhan membran sel dan membran plasma sehingga kerusakan sel oleh toksin,enzim protolitik atau sebab mekanik dapat diatasi. Dexsametason dapat menstabilkan membran lisosom sehingga menghambat pengeluaran enzim hidrolase yang dapat menghancurkan isi sel dan menyebabkan perluasan reaksi inflamasi. Aktifitas anti inflamasi ini secara kuantitatif tergantung kadar hormon didaerah meradang. Sebagai anti alergi Dexsametason menyebabkan sel limfosit yamg berperan pada reaksi sensitisasi dan imunologik yaitu limposit B yang menghasilkan anti bodi dan limposit T yang desensitisasi ternyata resisten terhadap efek dekstruktif. Efek Dexsametason terhadap sel limposit ini bersifat sekunder terhadap penghambatan sintesis protein dan metabolisme sel. Dexsametason bekerja dengan mempengaruhi sintesa protein pada proses transkripsi RNA.
Interaksi Obat
Dexsametason menyebabkan efek derivat kumarin melemah (Karena jumlah trombosit meningkat),tetapi kecendrungan perdarahan meningkat. Pemberian bersama Atropin atau Antikolinergik yang lain akan meningkatkan tekanan intra Okuler. Dexsametason dapat meningkatkan kebutuhan insulin atau antidiabetika oral. Metabolisme Kortikosteroid dipercepat dengan adanya antiepilepsi : Carbamazepine dan Piramidone dan adanya Aminoglutetimide. Dengan Salisilat dan antirematik non steroid akan meningkatkan insiden tukak lambung dengan adanya bahaya perdarahan gastrointestinal. Dengan antihipertensi,terjadi antagonisme terhadap efek hipotensi. Efek Dexsametason menurun pada pemberian bersama – sama Antasid,derivat barbiturat (Phenobarbital),Fenitoin,Rifampisin karena metabolisme kostikesteroid dipercepat. Pemberian bersama – sama diuretika dan thiazide menambah resiko hipokalemia metabolisme dihambat oleh estrogen dan pada orang tua meningkat pada hiperthyrosis.
Merupakan prototipe glikosida jantung yang berasal dari Digitalis lanata. Mekanisme Digoksin melalui 2 cara yaitu efek langsung dan efek tidak langsung. Efek langsung yaitu meningkatkan kekuatan kontraki otot jantung (efek inotropik positif). Hal ini terjadi berdasarkan penghambatan enzim Na+,K+ -ATPase dan peningkatan arus masuk ion kalsium ke inta sel. Efek tidak langsung yaitu pengaruh digoksin terhadap aktivitas saraf otonom dan sensitivitas jantung terhadap neorotransmiter.
Interaksi Obat
Kuinidin,Verapamil,Amiodaron dan Profapenon dapat meningkatkan kadar digitalis. Diuretik kortikosteroid dapat menimbulkan hipokalemia, sehingga mudah terjadi intoksikasi digitalis. Antibiotik tertentu menginaktivasi digoksin melalui metabolisme bakterial di usus bagian bawah. Propantelin,Difenoksilat,meningkatkan absoropsi digoksin. Antasida,Kaolin-peptin,Sulfasalazin,Neomisinia,Kolestiramin,beberapa obat kangker, menghambat absoropsi digoksin. Simpatomimetik,meningkatkan resiko aritima. Beta – bloker, Kalsium antagonis, berefek aditif dalam penghambatan konduksi AV

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

about iTunes

iTunes Player

iTunes Window


Your library contains everything you’ve imported into iTunes: music, videos, podcasts, books, iPod games, apps, lectures from iTunes U.


One click takes you to the iTunes Store. iTunes adds everything you buy to your library. Downloading starts when you click Buy Now in the iTunes Store.


Your iPod, iPhone and iPad appear in iTunes under the Devices section when they’re connected to your computer. CDs you’re burning or importing appear there, too. Click your device and iTunes shows you a summary of everything on it. Click a CD to check the progress of an import or a burn.


Look under Shared to see music, video, podcasts, audiobooks and other media in the iTunes libraries of computers on your local network. With Home Sharing enabled, you can import videos, music, apps, books and more from up to five authorised computers in your home.


Genius playlists and Genius Mixes appear under Genius. Whenever you create and save a Genius playlist, this is where you’ll find it. Genius Mixes automatically appear here, too. And you can play them all with a click.


All the playlists you create appear here — standard playlists as well as your Smart Playlists. iTunes DJ also appears under Playlists.
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Visual Browsing

Select Music in Grid View and iTunes displays your entire music library using cover art. Turn on the Grid View header to select Artists, Albums, Genres, or Composers and iTunes displays music based on your selection. Simply skim across a group to see the albums inside and start playing an album with a single click. Videos, podcasts and audiobooks look great in Grid View, too.

Cover Flow

Cover Flow displays all the album art in your music collection in one easy-to-navigate interface that mimics a CD collection or jukebox selection. Move between covers using the forward and back arrows or use the slider to browse faster. When you find what you want, double-click the artwork to start playing the album.

Column Browser

View your entire music collection in columns: genres, artists, albums, groupings and composers. Choose as many columns as you like, then browse your music even more easily. You can view the column browser at the top of your iTunes window or along the side.

Unwatched Videos

In Grid View, you’ll know instantly which TV show seasons and podcast subscriptions have unwatched episodes. Look for a blue indicator next to the poster art. Or turn on the Grid View header and select New in Grid View. Then you’ll see only the podcasts and shows you have yet to enjoy.

Genius Mixes

The Genius Mixes feature searches your iTunes library to find songs that go great together, then organises them into mixes you’ll love. iTunes creates multiple Genius Mixes automatically. Rearrange and rename the mixes you want to keep and delete the ones you don’t. You’ll find them all under Genius, where you can browse and play one with a click.


The moment you start typing in the search field, iTunes returns results from your library. Your results narrow as your search term gets more specific.


iTunes can keep your soundtracks and other compilations organised. You’ll find each compilation under Compilations (in Grid View) or Various Artists (in the column browser), instead of seeing a separate album for each song by a different artist. You can mark any album as a compilation by choosing Get Info.
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Create a Playlist

Make your own mix by creating a playlist of the exact songs you want, in the order you want them. Start by clicking the Add (+) button in the lower-left corner. Give your playlist a name. Then simply drag songs into it. Rearrange the order of songs in your playlist by dragging and dropping.

Smart Playlists

Have iTunes create a playlist for you based on your desired criteria — like all the rock songs you’ve added to your library in the past month or songs you’ve listened to more than 10 times. You can create many rules for a single Smart Playlist, based on media type, genre and more. iTunes finds the songs, podcasts, or videos that match your rules and creates a playlist that updates itself automatically.

Organise with Folders

As you accumulate more and more playlists, consider organising them in folders. To create a new folder, choose New Folder from the File menu. Double-click a folder to rename it.


Genius Mixes

The Genius Mixes feature searches your iTunes library to find songs that go great together, then organises them into mixes you’ll love. These mixes are like channels programmed entirely with your music. Under Genius, click Genius Mixes. You’ll see Genius Mixes that have been created for you. Click one to play. Rearrange and rename the mixes you want to keep and delete the ones you don’t.

Genius Playlists

Just select a song, click the Genius button and iTunes makes a playlist of songs from your library that go great together. You decide how many songs appear in your Genius playlist — 25, 50, or 100. Refresh your Genius playlist to get new songs. Or save your Genius playlist so you always have it.
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iTunes is flexible when it comes to syncing media from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod and the other way around. You can sync automatically, manually, or by setting simple rules. To sync manually, select the exact items you want to add or remove and drag them to and from your device. Choose specific artists, genres and playlists. Choose a certain movie or TV episode. Or sync using simple rules. For example, sync the two most recent unwatched videos, new TV episodes, or recent podcasts. Individual tabs for podcasts and iTunes U make syncing content a snap. And it’s even easier to manage apps because you can do it in iTunes. Arrange, rearrange, add, or delete apps and Home screens. iTunes automatically syncs your new Home screens with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Organise Your Library

iTunes gives you the option to reorganise the files in your iTunes Music folder into folders for music, videos, podcasts and more. To organise your library, choose Library from the File menu, then choose Organise Library.

Undo Playlist Edits

Ever make a playlist edit you wish you hadn’t? Or worse, accidentally delete an entire playlist? You can restore your playlist after accidentally adding, reordering, or deleting an item or list. From the iTunes Edit menu, choose Undo and your playlist will go back to the way it was.

Set Media Kind

iTunes lets you properly categorize tracks in your library. Say you’re importing a set of language learning discs. If you want iTunes to categorize tracks on those discs as audiobooks, just select the tracks and choose Audiobooks from the Media Kind pop-up menu in the Options pane of Get Info. Now, instead of appearing in your music library, your imported tracks appear in your audiobooks library. You can assign music, audiobooks, iTunes U, or podcasts categories to any audio file. And video files can be categorized as videos, music videos, podcasts, or iTunes U.

Back Up to Disc

Back up your iTunes library to CDs or DVDs right in iTunes. From the File menu, choose Library, then Back Up to Disc. You can back up your entire library and playlists, iTunes Store purchases only, or items you haven't yet backed up.

Join CD Tracks

Some CDs have tracks that play best without any breaks in between — audiobooks on CD and DJ mixes, for example. iTunes lets you combine tracks so they’re imported as one continuous track that suffers no disruption, even in shuffle mode. Just insert the audio CD, select the tracks you want to join (hold down the Shift key to select multiple items) and choose Join CD Tracks from the Advanced menu.

Back Up with Time Capsule

Time Capsule is the ideal peace-of-mind backup solution for your growing iTunes library. Available in 1TB and 2TB capacities,1 Time Capsule works with Time Machine in Mac OS X. Designate Time Capsule as the backup drive for Time Machine on all your Mac computers and take comfort in knowing that your iTunes data is backed up automatically and wirelessly.

Get Info

The Get Info window offers many ways to view and edit the information about your music and video. Select any track in your library, then choose Get Info from the File menu. Or select multiple tracks to edit information for all the tracks at once. Get at-a-glance information in the Summary pane. Change file information and enter comments in Info. Set sort options in Sorting. Adjust playback settings in Options. Enter song lyrics in Lyrics. Add, delete and resize cover art in Artwork.
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CD Options

iTunes gives you choices when you insert a CD. You can either show the CD or begin playing it. You can also choose to import the CD right away, then eject it automatically.

Importing from CDs

To import songs from a CD into iTunes, insert the disc in your computer and click Import CD. iTunes saves music from your CDs as high-quality iTunes Plus files (256-Kbps AAC format). If your songs already exist in digital form on your computer, just drag them into your iTunes library. iTunes also converts unprotected WMA files on your Windows computer to AAC files.

Automatically Adding to iTunes

If you ever need to add new songs or videos to iTunes from another app, you can save them to your Automatically Add to iTunes folder.

Retrieving CD Information

iTunes searches a database to automatically fill in information about each of your CD albums when you import them — song names, album name, artist, genre and so on. All you need is an Internet connection. You can also look up the information later by choosing Get CD Track Names from the Advanced menu. If you want to enter the information yourself, choose Get Info from the File menu.

Encoding Imported Music

When you’re importing songs from a CD into iTunes, you can choose whether music is imported in AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3, HE-AAC, or WAV format. Access your import settings in the Advanced section of iTunes preferences and choose your audio format, along with bit rates up to 320 Kbps.
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Burning a CD

Select a playlist in your library and insert a blank CD or DVD. The Burn Disc button at the bottom right of the iTunes window lets you know it’s time to burn. A quick click and iTunes burns your disc in as little as two minutes.

Burning Audio and MP3 CDs

Create audio CDs for your car or home stereo. Or make MP3 CDs to play on Mac and Windows computers and in MP3-compatible car stereos and CD players.

Burning a Backup

Use iTunes to archive your entire music and video library on CDs or DVDs for safekeeping. Choose Library from the File menu, then choose Back Up to Disc. Tell iTunes what you want to back up and insert a disc. iTunes does the thinking for you — just keep feeding it discs till it’s done.
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Sharing over a Network

Enable sharing in iTunes preferences and users on your network can play media from your library through your local network. Choose whether they have access to everything in your library or just specific playlists. Add a password to your shared library for limited access.

Home Sharing

With Home Sharing, you can share music, videos, apps and more among up to five authorised computers in your house. To set up your Home Sharing network, just sign in to your iTunes account from each computer you want to add. Then browse all the iTunes libraries on the network and import your favourite. You can also choose to have iTunes automatically import purchases made on any of the computers to your own library.
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Music Playback

Crossfade Playback

Decide how smoothly your songs fade in and out from one track to the next by adjusting Crossfade Playback, located in the Playback pane of iTunes preferences. Choose a fade time between 1 and 12 seconds.


Visualiser is a dynamic and mesmerizing visual light show that accompanies your music. It’s located in the View menu. Turn it on and watch light and 3D shapes move to the beat of your music.

Sound Check

Some songs and videos in your iTunes library may play louder than others. Enable Sound Check in the Playback pane of iTunes preferences and everything in your library plays at the same volume.

Classical Music Playlist

If you’re a fan of classical music, you know that certain works — whether symphonies, concertos, operas, or oratorios — should be played together. iTunes features a Smart Playlist that’s specifically designed for classical music. You’ll see the Composer and Groupings columns for this playlist in the column browser. You can also use iTunes Groupings to specify Works. Choose Get Info from the File menu. Enter the name of the work in the Grouping field and click OK.

iTunes DJ

The iTunes DJ feature automatically picks songs from your entire library or from a specific playlist to create an endless mix of music. Review upcoming songs to reorder or remove on the fly, or add songs to the playlist at any time.

Repeat Track or Playlist

The Repeat button is located in the lower-left corner of the iTunes window. Click it once to repeat playback of a playlist. Click twice to repeat playback of a specific track.


Enhance the sound of your music with the iTunes Equalizer. Located in the Window menu, Equalizer includes 22 presets — Rock, R&B and Pop, to name a few. Drag the frequency sliders up and down to adjust a preset or to create your own.

Song Options

Select a song in your library and choose Get Info from the File menu. In the Options pane, you’ll find a handful of settings you can apply to just that song. Adjust its volume, assign an equalizer preset, rate it, set the start and stop time. Even tell iTunes to remember the playback position, skip the song in shuffle mode, or include the song as part of a gapless album.

iTunes Mini Player

Transform your iTunes window into a mini player. From the View menu, you can switch to Mini Player and also return the iTunes window to its full size.

iTunes Taskbar for Windows

Minimise your iTunes window to your taskbar on a PC. You can navigate your music, adjust the volume and more. Just right-click on your taskbar. Choose Toolbars > iTunes > Minimise iTunes.

Control Playback from the Dock

You don’t need to be in the iTunes window to use simple playback commands. Right-click or Control-click the iTunes icon in the Dock on a Mac to bring up a contextual menu that lets you pause, skip, mute and more.

Convert a Song to MP3

When you import unprotected WMA files or music from CDs, iTunes saves them as higher-quality AAC files. You can convert them to MP3 format in a few clicks: Select the song you want converted, then choose Create MP3 Version from the Advanced menu.
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Listen to Streaming Radio

Click Radio in your iTunes library and access hundreds of streaming radio stations from 26 different genres. Just double-click a station that interests you and it begins streaming. iTunes includes stations in MP3 and high-quality HE-AAC formats.

Add a Station

Say there’s an Internet radio station you love, but it’s not included with iTunes. Choose Open Audio Stream from the Advanced menu to add the station to your library. Paste or enter the station’s URL in the dialog that appears and click OK.
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Video Playback

Onscreen Controls

While a movie or video is playing, move the pointer to bring up onscreen controls. You can play, pause, scan backward or forward and adjust volume. iTunes lets you navigate through chapters if this option is included in the video or movie.

Alternative Audio

Some videos feature alternative audio in other languages. Change the default audio language in the Playback pane of iTunes preferences. Quickly switch the language while your video plays by using the onscreen controls.
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Enhanced Screen Reader Support

iTunes includes enhanced screen reader accessibility. With VoiceOver in Mac OS X or Window-Eyes 7.1 or later for Windows XP and Windows Vista, you can browse and play everything in your iTunes library. You can also purchase and download content from the iTunes Store, including iTunes U and create and maintain your iTunes Store account.

iTunes Store

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The iTunes Store makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. It uses a find-as-you-type search function that returns results in a list that changes as you type. If the Genius sidebar is open in iTunes, you can see iTunes Store search results from there.

Power Search

Search for items in the iTunes Store as though you were using a fine-toothed comb. Power Search lets you search using multiple criteria. For example, find movies by title, actor, director, producer, description, year and rating.
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Create an iTunes Store Account

To purchase items from the iTunes Store, you’ll need an iTunes Store account. Just choose the Create New Account option from the iTunes Store menu, then follow the onscreen instructions.

Wish List

The iTunes Store features an iTunes wish list. You can add the items you want to your wish list, then purchase them whenever you like. Just click the arrow next to the Buy button on the item you’d like to save for later, and click Add to Wish List.

Check for Available Downloads

iTunes can check for downloads automatically, like those that come with a podcast subscription. Or you can check for downloads whenever you like. For automatic downloads, select “Automatically check for available downloads” in the Store pane of iTunes preferences.

Review Purchases

Liked something you bought from the iTunes Store? Write a review about it. Didn’t like something? Write a review about that, too. First, create a nickname for yourself in your iTunes Store account information. Then click the Write a Review link on the item’s page to leave feedback and a 1- to 5-star rating. Your nickname appears next to your review. You can also rate anything in the iTunes Store right on the product page, without creating a nickname.
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Features for Parents

Parental Controls

Use parental controls to restrict your kids from previewing and buying certain content when they visit the iTunes Store. Or disable the iTunes Store entirely, leaving access to iTunes U only. You can also use parental controls to limit playback through sharing and importing through Home Sharing. Click Parental in iTunes preferences to establish your restrictions. Then secure your settings with your administrator password.
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One-Click Subscriptions

Browse podcasts in dozens of categories, complete with descriptive summaries, ratings and reviews and the podcast equivalent of album art. Preview a podcast and if you like it, just click Subscribe.

Automatic Episode Downloads

Once you subscribe to a podcast, you get the most recent episode — and all future episodes — delivered directly to your iTunes podcast playlist. Download past episodes by clicking the Get button.

Add Podcasts

Subscribe to any podcast by dragging its URL into your podcast playlist or by choosing “Subscribe to Podcast” from the Advanced menu and typing the URL.

Podcast Settings

When you a find podcast you like, you can choose specific settings to download it. Check for new podcast episodes hourly, daily, weekly, or manually. Automatically download every episode or just the most recent ones. Keep all your episodes, delete them after you play them, or keep a specific number based on release date. To customise your podcast settings, go to Podcasts in the source list and click the Settings button.
For tips on creating and publishing podcasts, visit Podcast Resources
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App Store

Shop the App Store

Manage your finances. Update your Facebook wall. Get a new high score. The App Store in iTunes has an app for just about anything. To download apps, visit the App Store in iTunes or download directly from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Genius Recommendations

for Apps

Looking for new apps? Use Genius recommendations to find apps for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Genius helps you discover more apps you’ll love based on the ones you already have.

Download All Free Updates

You can update your apps in iTunes one by one or all at once. Click Download All Free Updates to update all your apps at once, or click Get Update for just the apps you want to update at the moment.
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iTunes U

Download Free Educational Content

Find lectures, language lessons, audiobooks and podcasts and download them for free. iTunes U is available to everyone, student or not.

Browse Distinguished Institutions

Explore over 250,000 educational audio and video files from top universities, famous museums, PBS stations and other cultural institutions around the world.

Learn on the Go

Download iTunes U audio and video files one at a time. Or subscribe to an ongoing course or series so your items download as soon as they’re available. iTunes creates a folder with the provider’s name and places your items inside. When you want to listen to a lecture, you can find it under iTunes U in the iTunes window, where they’re all collected. To learn on the go, connect your iPod, iPhone, or iPad to your computer, then go to the iTunes U tab in iTunes to choose and sync your lectures. You can also browse and download items directly to your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad over Wi-Fi or the cellular network.2.


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iTunes at Home


AirPlay lets you stream music throughout your entire house, wirelessly. AirPlay wireless technology will be fully integrated into speaker docks, AV receivers, and stereo systems from third-party companies. So you can enjoy your entire iTunes library — every song and every playlist — wirelessly. Select Multiple Speakers from the Speaker menu in iTunes and you can choose which speakers you want your music to play on. You can also set the volume for every speaker individually, or change the volume on all the speakers at once. Stream your tunes to more than one room simultaneously and you’ll never lose the beat.


With the Remote app, you can control the iTunes music on your computer from your iPod touch and iPhone. Play, pause, skip, shuffle. See your songs, playlists and album art. Update to iTunes 1o and you can create a Genius playlist or edit an existing playlist. And do it all on your iPod touch and iPhone, as if you were in front of your computer. Available on the App Store, Remote is free and works with your Wi-Fi network, so you can control playback from anywhere in and around your home.

Home Sharing

Home Sharing enables you to share music, videos, apps and more among up to five authorised computers in your house. Your shared computers appear in iTunes under Shared, where you can browse all the iTunes libraries and import your favourite. iTunes can automatically add new purchases made on any of the computers to your own library.
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iTunes Syncing

Sync with iPod

To transfer music and more from iTunes to your iPod, just connect iPod to your computer. Get at-a-glance information about what’s on your iPod, update iPod software and control syncing from the iPod Summary screen. Even sync iTunes purchases, ratings and playlists from your iPod back to your Mac or PC.

Sync with iPhone

iTunes syncs everything to your iPhone — ringtones, music, video, photos, apps, contacts, calendars, email accounts, even bookmarks — and lets you manage it all from the iPhone Summary screen.

Sync with iPad

iTunes lets you put music, video and more on your iPad. Choose what you want from the iPad Summary page in iTunes, then sync your favourite songs, videos and pictures to go. iTunes also keeps your email accounts, contacts and calendars in sync. And it tracks the music, video, apps and books you purchase on your iPad, so you can sync them back to your Mac or PC.

Flexible Syncing Preferences

iTunes gives you even better ways to sync your media from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. A new capacity bar tells you exactly how much space you have left on your device in real time. And it’s even easier to organise all your apps on all your devices because you do it in iTunes. Shop the App Store on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Then connect to your Mac or PC and go to your iTunes library to arrange (and rearrange) your apps and add or delete Home screens that sync to your devices automatically.

Organise Your Home Screens

Organise all the apps on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in iTunes on your computer. Connect your device, then go to the Apps tab in iTunes. Arrange, rearrange, add, or delete your apps and Home screens. iTunes automatically syncs any changes you make on your Mac or PC back to your device.

Sync to Fill

Let iTunes choose what goes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod for you. When you sync, select “Automatically fill remaining space with songs.” If you have space left, iTunes will choose a perfect mix of songs to sync. iTunes syncs songs from your entire music library or from a specific playlist. You can also tell iTunes to choose songs randomly or to choose higher-rated songs more often. Or you can have iTunes replace everything on your device with a fresh mix. Want to sync even more music? Convert higher-bit-rate songs to 128- Kbps AAC and you’ll free up space for even more entertainment.
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iTunes on the Go

Genius Recommendations

for Apps

Looking for new apps? Use Genius recommendations for apps in the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Genius helps you find great apps based on the ones you already have. And you can download and start using them right away.

App Store

Search and browse games and apps on the iTunes Store — just as you would with music or video — and download them with a click. When you connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your computer, iTunes syncs apps automatically. You can also download apps from the App Store directly to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

What is iTunes?

Play and sync your music and more.

iTunes is a free application for your Mac or PC. It organises and plays your digital music and video on your computer. It keeps all your content in sync. And it’s a store on your computer, iPod touch, iPhone and iPad that has everything you need to be entertained. Anywhere. Anytime.

iTunes Player

Where listening, watching and playing start.

iTunes lets you enjoy all your music and videos on your Mac or PC. When you want to watch or listen to something, you no longer have to look through your CDs or flip through channels — just go to your computer and open iTunes. With your entire media collection in your iTunes library, you can browse everything faster, organise it all easier and play anything whenever the mood strikes.
Learn more about the iTunes Player

iTunes Everywhere

It all goes where you go.

How do you get your music and videos from your Mac or PC to your iPhone, iPod, or iPad? iTunes does it for you. How about photos, contacts and calendars? iTunes transfers them, too. iTunes makes it surprisingly easy to sync media from your computer to your device and the other way around. You can download apps anywhere you are over a Wi-Fi network. When you’re back at your computer, connect your device, iTunes syncs what you bought on the road to

ipad smart cover

iPad Smart Cover. One great idea on top of another.

The Smart Cover and iPad 2 were made for each other. Literally. Built-in magnets draw the Smart Cover to iPad for a perfect fit that not only protects, but also wakes up, stands up and brightens up your iPad. That’s not just smart. It’s genius.
Buy now

Great looks. And even better moves.

See the iPad Smart Cover in action iPad 2 is thin, sleek and flat-out amazing. So why hide it in a bulky case? The slim yet sturdy Smart Cover protects your iPad screen without covering up its durable aluminum back.1 So your iPad still looks and feels like an iPad — just with a little extra protection. Even better, the Smart Cover doubles as the perfect video-watching, game-playing, web-surfing, do-it-all companion. It folds in all the right places so you can quickly create a stand that holds iPad upright. Or one that lets you tilt iPad into a comfortable typing position. If you prefer to hold iPad, the Smart Cover flips back and out of the way like a page in a magazine. And if you want to shoot some HD video on the fly, the Smart Cover folds in half to expose the back-facing camera. Now that’s something to smile about.
  • Blue Cover
  • Green Cover
  • Orange Cover
  • Pink Cover
  • Gray Cover
  • Cream Cover
  • Tan Cover
  • Black Cover
  • Dark Gray Cover
  • Red Cover
Polyurethane Covers
Leather covers
  • Black iPad
  • White iPad
iPad colour

FaceTime and video stand

Set up for hands-free video calling — or watching. Just lean iPad against the Smart Cover for a sturdy upright stand.

Keyboard stand

The Smart Cover folds into the perfect typing stand. Its magnetic hinge holds iPad in place so you can type quickly and comfortably.

A magnetic attraction.

When the Smart Cover and iPad get together, you can’t help but notice an instant connection. That’s because we designed iPad to work with the Smart Cover — and the other way around. For starters, iPad has magnets built right into its frame — magnets that align perfectly with the Smart Cover hinge for an effortless fit. On the opposite side, magnets inside the Smart Cover help it stay put. It’s ingenious yet simple. Secure yet easy to remove. In fact, the Smart Cover and iPad work so well together, it’s easy to think of them as one device.

An on-again, off-again relationship.

The Smart Cover makes iPad do things no other cover can. Close it and iPad automatically goes to sleep. Open it and iPad instantly wakes up — no need to press any buttons. The Smart Cover doesn’t just protect iPad, it keeps it ready to go whenever you are.

A cover that’s smart. And bright.

iPad already has your content. Now give it your style. Take your pick of ten bright colours — five in rich, aniline-dyed Italian leather.2 No matter which colour you choose, the Smart Cover stays put when you toss iPad in your bag, rest it on a table or sling it under your arm. And since the microfiber lining gently buffs off any smudges or fingerprints as you move, iPad always looks good on arrival.
Polyurethane covers
Leather covers